
Kimberly's award-winning career as an environmental journalist and Paige's 20 years of retail with an obsession for conscious expansion helps guide our vision for building a company based in values you can trust. Our mission? To help you live a sustainable, fulFILLing life.
We're Kimberly + Paige

hi friend!

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the number of choices and commitments we face in today’s fast-paced world. Our schedules are packed with obligations to our loved ones, our communities, our jobs and then, of course, ourselves. Society teaches us to keep going, never stopping, and if we need to slow down, there’s always a “fix” for what’s “wrong.” This relentless pace has turned us from human beings into human doings—disconnecting us from our true selves and from nature.

At fulFILLed Lifestyle Co., we believe the journey to more sustainable living begins with a fundamental shift in mindset.

It’s not just about making more eco-friendly choices but also about transforming the way we think about our lives and our impact on the planet and the well-being of people.

Sustainability isn’t just a product you pick up off the shelf; it’s a way of life.

Sustainability is about creating harmony between our needs, other people’s needs, and the needs of the planet. It’s about making choices that support a healthier, more connected life. Moving away from the mainstream narrative that demands constant accumulation and consumption allows us to gain a clearer perspective on what truly matters. By shifting our mindset, we move from a state of overwhelm to one of clarity and purpose.

Embracing this way of life means we are committed to creating a healthier environment for ourselves, our families, and our community. It means we are thinking several steps ahead of the instant gratification of the here and now.

By choosing eco-friendly and toxin-free products, we are able to support and maintain lifestyle habits that represent our values of sustainability.  . 

 Remember, this journey begins with a single step: the decision to shift your mindset and embrace the freedom that comes with it.

Together, we can move from being human doings back to human beings, living a balanced, connected, and sustainable life. At fulFILLed Lifestyle Co., we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Five Tips to Shift Your Mindset Toward More Sustainable Choices

1. Practice Mindfulness

Begin by incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine. Take a few moments each day to reflect on your choices and their impact on the environment and your well-being. Mindfulness helps you become more aware of your habits and encourages thoughtful decision-making.

2. Simplify Your Life

Declutter your living spaces and reduce your reliance on material possessions. Embrace a minimalist approach by keeping only what you need and cherish. This not only reduces waste but also frees up mental space, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

3. Educate Yourself

Stay informed about sustainable practices and eco-friendly products. Read books, watch documentaries, and follow reputable sources on social media. Knowledge empowers you to make better choices and understand the long-term benefits of a sustainable lifestyle.

4. Prioritize Quality Over Quantity

When making purchases, choose high-quality, durable items over disposable, low-cost alternatives. Investing in well-made products reduces the frequency of replacements and minimizes waste. Look for brands that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices.

5. Connect with Nature

Spend time outdoors and develop a deeper connection with the natural world. Whether it’s hiking, gardening, or simply taking a walk in the park, immersing yourself in nature fosters a sense of responsibility for the environment. This connection motivates you to protect and preserve it through sustainable choices.

By following these steps, you can gradually shift your mindset and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. Remember, every small change contributes to a larger impact! Start today, and together, we can create a healthier, more sustainable future for ourselves and the planet.

Was this helpful? Check out our free download: A Beginner’s Guide to Sustainable Living.

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Paige + Kimberly

A couple of moms
trying to leave the planet better
for a future generation.

Life is stressful enough without the additional burdens of plastic waste filling our oceans, toxin-laced products lining our shelves, and products being produced at the expense of people & the planet.

It's unfair that companies have placed this weight on the consumer. Let us carry some of that weight for you.

We believe the path to a more sustainable, fulFILLing life is rooted in community & well-being which is why we're committed to building it.

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